Awards celebrate business and community partnerships

Lb2c awardseading supermarket CEO Malcolm Walker has praised a pioneering project that has helped to create lasting business and community partnerships across North Wales.


Speaking at the Business Supporting Communities (B2C) Awards on Thursday evening (January 29) the Iceland Foods founder and CEO said: “I am delighted to support these awards because Iceland has always been a passionate believer in putting something back to support the communities where we operate.


“Not just by creating jobs and paying our taxes but also by raising large amounts for good causes through our Iceland Foods Charitable Foundation. This is a true win-win and encouraging more companies to follow our example will not only strengthen their communities but also contribute to their continuing business success.”


The event, held at Bodnant Welsh Food in Conwy, marked four years of the Big Lottery funded B2C project, which was created as a partnership between all six county voluntary councils across North Wales.


Since its launch, B2C has worked with 1877 Third Sector organisations, 1224 individuals and 520 businesses under its remit to foster partnerships between SMEs and the community for mutual benefit.


B2C project manager Sarah Thomas said that the award ceremony was designed to demonstrate the lasting legacy of the scheme.


“The awards demonstrate how diverse cross sector partnerships with businesses have enabled community organisations to thrive across the region,” she said.


“Though the project will close at the end of March, we hope the legacy will be communities and businesses continuing to work together at a very local level.


“We would like to thank Big Lottery for the funding and the overwhelming support of everyone who has been involved in the project.”


Seven business and community partnerships were celebrated at the event.


ScottishPower was named ‘Large Business Ambassador’ for inspiring other companies across the region to support community groups. Through B2C, the company ran employee volunteering schemes, which renovated several areas of community land including their senior managers led by the network business and district manager, Gary Evans. Special recognition was also given to ScottishPower’s community liaison manager for the North West and North Wales, Roy Jones MBE, for the continual support he has given to the B2C project team.


Other partnerships recognised on the evening included:



Peninsula Home Improvements and Peibio Bowlers.

The bowling club, based in Holyhead needed improvements to its grounds and facilities, which were in desperate need of repair. Peninsula Home Improvements supported the bowling club by donating surplus windows as well as matching the amount of funding the club was awarded to complete much-needed renovations. The improvements have led to energy efficiency savings and allowed the building to be used year round, including for a local ‘splash’ club, which supports younger people who are at risk of offending.



Claire Savage of Accord PR, Helen Harper of the North Wales Daily Post, Aberconwy Mind, Age Cymru Gwynedd a Mon, Deafblind Cymru, St Kentigern Hospice, Your Space and West Rhyl Young People’s Project.

Claire Savage delivered two, three-day PR courses to community groups, aiming to give attendees the knowledge to create their own communication campaigns. The course was supported by North Wales Daily Post social media content editor, Helen Harper, who used her first hand knowledge to explain what journalists are looking for and how best to approach them. The community groups developed new skills from the course, helping them to communicate their causes to a wider audience.



Llŷr Williams from Swayne Johnson Solicitors and Make The Most Of The Carriageworks.

Through B2C, Llŷr Williams donated a substantial amount of legal support to 15 community groups across North Wales and delivered a number of master classes. Make The Most Of The Carriageworks is a social enterprise that aims to promote the creativity of the community by selling locally sourced and produced art, literature and crafts. It is part of the movement to protect and preserve the British high street, enabling customers to shop with a conscience, knowing their purchases will make a difference in their local community.  Through B2C, Llŷr reviewed a proposed lease agreement for Make The Most Of The Carriageworks, ensuring it was manageable and fit for purpose.



HSBC Holywell branch and Mostyn Kitchen Garden.

The garden, part of the Mostyn Estate, aims to provide work experience opportunities for people of all ages and abilities within the community by producing fruit and vegetables year round, which it supplies to local restaurants and families in the area. Staff from the local HSBC bank in Holywell first volunteered at Mostyn Kitchen Garden in the summer of 2013 and have continued to support the garden through volunteering sessions every three weeks. The garden relies on the sale of high value crops to fund the project, so the HSBC staff’s on-going commitment has helped ensure work is done accurately to get the best possible yield.



Vernon Oliver of Gamlins solicitors, GISDA, Y Ganolfan Llwyngwril, Caernarfon Rugby Club, Children’s Early Intervention Trust, AGRO and Penysarn Village.

Through the B2C project, Gamlins has supported 41 groups, 49 individuals and run nine community master classes across the region. Vernon Oliver, a partner at Gamlins who specialises in charity law, also ran workshops offering advice about how to carry out trustee duties. The sessions offered new trustees the opportunity to ask specific questions and understand their legal obligations as they take up this important work.



TACP Architects and Brymbo Heritage Group.

The heritage group manages a remarkable site that encompasses 300 million years of history. It includes a unique fossilised forest, an ancient coalmine, a complete John Wilkinson iron works, and an ecology area. Wrexham-based TACP Architects have been offering specialist support to the community group as part of their application for Heritage Lottery funding. As well as specialist support, TACP are continuing to work as a mentor to Brymbo Heritage Group, helping focus their business thinking.