Lantern workshops light the way to a spectacular Christmas in Ruthin

The community of Ruthin are being invited to learn how to craft lanterns for what promises to be a stunning start to this year’s festive season.

On December 2 a flickering parade of around 150 lanterns, carried by the children of the town, will snake its way through from Ruthin Gaol up to the town’s famous square.

And on November 26 a free workshop, open to all-comers, will help to create some of those lanterns. The workshop, at Ruthin Youth Club from 10am-2pm, has been organised by community group Ruthin Forward with funding from Cadwyn Clwyd and Ruthin Town Council.

This project has received funding through the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007-2013 which is funded by the Welsh Government and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

Workshops, led by artists Ben Davis and Judith Wood from Corwen, have been taking place throughout November, involving primary and secondary schools from the town, youth groups and residential homes. However the November 26 date is open to all.

The lantern event is the first of its kind for Ruthin, but is hoped to become an annual part of the Christmas calendar. With lanterns in all shapes and sizes, some as large a five feet high, the procession promises to be a visual feast.

Event organiser Ron Bell said: “We have to thank Cadwyn Clwyd and Ruthin Town Council for funding the lantern workshops and procession. The aim of this event is to help the community create something magical and memorable.

“We want nobody to feel excluded from that, which is why we’ve taken the decision to hold this open workshop on the November 26. There’s no booking needed, people just need to turn up on the day.”

The lamplit procession on Friday December 2 starts at 5.45pm from Ruthin Gaol. A Christmas market and Santa’s grotto will open at 4pm on the day. Carol singing will be led by Ysgol Pen Barras and St Peter’s Church choirs at 6pm and the Christmas lights will be switched on at 6.20pm

Stalls in the Square will include real ales, burgers, cawl, a hog roast, mince pies and mulled wine, there will also be an opportunity to buy and decorate a lantern.

No booking is necessary to take part in the November 26 lantern workshop, people are advised to simply drop in to Ruthin Youth Club between 10am and 2pm. Taking part is free of charge, but there is a nominal fee of £2 should people wish to purchase their lantern.

More information about the lantern procession is available at the Ruthin Forward website: