Accord PR offers specialised services for small and medium sized businesses. Click on the links below for more information on each of these services.

Newsletters and e-newsletters

A newsletter can help a business reach clients, potential customers, suppliers, investors and other stakeholders. It can help keep people informed of what's important in your business. It could be special offers, latest news, promotions, case studies or an update on business growth. It keeps your business name in people's minds and on their lips. In this age of social media and RSS streams, a ... [More]


'The language we use to communicate with one another is like a knife. In the hands of a careful and skilled surgeon, a knife can work to do great good. But in the hands of a careless or ignorant person, a knife can cause great harm. Exactly as it is with our words'. Unknown source Words can have a huge impact on a reader. They can make them laugh, cry and of course buy. If you aren’t a ... [More]

Community Investment Programmes

If you are in business you are probably already helping your community, often without too much thought and very little fuss. Perhaps it's a helping hand to a community concern here or there, offering expertise,  a donation to a good cause or a sponsored event? Helping the community within which a company operates makes good business sense. It can enhance reputation, build profile and help to ... [More]

Social Media and PR

'Social media is just a buzzword until you come up with a plan'. Anon. Social media is an arena of fast moving trends. Think social media today and Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and Linkedin will come to mind, but not that long ago we may have been talking about My Space. Tomorrow, who knows whether Google+ will have eclipsed the all-powerful Facebook? Keeping on top of those trends can be vital ... [More]

Reputation Management

Building a solid and strong reputation is core to building a strong and solid business. A business thrives on its good reputation. While you may not be able to please everybody 100 per cent of the time, negative whispers can leave a lasting impression on clients and other stakeholders. It can result in lost business, fewer investors or worse. The internet has led to a whole new way to ... [More]

Media Relations

"It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper." Jerry Seinfeld Newspapers, websites, trade magazines, broadcast media and even blogs are in constant need of fresh, interesting stories, all you need to do is make the news. That may sound like a tall order, but here’s a PR tip: You don’t need to marry a Premier League ... [More]

Integrated PR…

Having a strategy is the key to making sure the public relations methods you employ, work for your business. With clear aims and objectives as its starting point, a PR strategy sets out a vision of what your business story or messages are, who you want to reach and how to do it. It’s a business-focused approach that allows for smarter evaluation at the end of a campaign. As part of this ... [More]