Blackgrain fascia boards from leading PVC-UE building products manufacturer Kestrel proved to be the finishing touch for an exclusive South Wales development. Kestrel’s K16 fascia board was the product of choice after developer Waterstone Homes Ltd, a member of the Jehu group, needed quality and low maintenance blackgrain products for a Cardiff development. Palace Gardens, situated in one of ... [More]
New catalogue showcases Kestrel’s largest range of foils
Leading PVC-UE building products manufacturer Kestrel has unveiled its largest ever range of foils in its latest Product Overview. In response to customer demand, Kestrel has expanded the number of finishes available on popular products, with new colours for K16 square fascia boards (16mm), the 300mm PVC-U clip-lock hollow soffits and windowboard ranges, among others. The full-colour ... [More]
How to write a press release
It’s easy to tell a story isn’t it? In everyday life we tell stories all the time: from a recent holiday or night out, to a bedtime story (even if it’s made up). A press release is a story – it is one way of relaying information to an audience, whether that be the local newspaper or a trade magazine. So writing a press release should be easy then? Yes – if you know what you are ... [More]